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    Asien HC

    Hallo allerseits.
    Wo liegt eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen HC 0-1 und HC 0-1/4??
    Verstehe ich nicht.
    Ich meine HC 0-1 ist mir klar. Aber das andere irgendwie nicht.
    Ob eine Mannschaft 1 Tor oder 0/2 Tor vorsprung kriegt ist doch egal oder?
    Obwohl einleuchten tut mir gerade wenn das Spiel 1-0 ausgeht steht es im HC 0-1 = X.
    Beim HC 0-0/5 hat 1 trotzdem gewonnwen. Dann schnall ich aber nicht die Aufteilungen von 0/5, 1/5, .... etc.
    Danke im voraus für einiege Antworten.
    Gruß, Tomas



      Re: Asien HC

      Zitat von ta7
      Hallo allerseits.
      Wo liegt eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen HC 0-1 und HC 0-1/4??
      Verstehe ich nicht.
      Ich meine HC 0-1 ist mir klar. Aber das andere irgendwie nicht.
      Ob eine Mannschaft 1 Tor oder 0/2 Tor vorsprung kriegt ist doch egal oder?
      Obwohl einleuchten tut mir gerade wenn das Spiel 1-0 ausgeht steht es im HC 0-1 = X.
      Beim HC 0-0/5 hat 1 trotzdem gewonnwen. Dann schnall ich aber nicht die Aufteilungen von 0/5, 1/5, .... etc.
      Danke im voraus für einiege Antworten.
      Gruß, Tomas
      Handicap (0)
      You win if your team wins the match. If it draws (0 goals difference) you are refunded your stake.

      Handicap (+0.25)
      You win if your team wins the match. If it draws, your bet is split in half - One half is considered a win, the other half is considered a draw and its stakes refunded.

      Handicap (+0.50)
      You win if your team draws or wins the match.

      Handicap (+0.75)
      You win if your team wins or draws the match. If it loses with a one goal difference, you lose 50% of the amount staked.

      Handicap (+1)
      You win if your team wins or draws the match. If it loses with a one goal difference, you are refunded your stake.

      Handicap (+1.25)
      You win if your team wins or draws the match. If it loses with a one goal difference, your bet is split in half - One half is considered a win, the other half is considered a draw and its stakes refunded.

      Handicap (+1.5)
      You win if your team wins, draws or loses the match with a one goal difference.

      Handicap (+1.75)
      You win if your team wins, draws or loses the match with a one goal difference. If it loses with a two goal difference, you lose 50% of the stake.

      Handicap (+2)
      You win if your team wins, draws or loses the match with a one goal difference. If it loses with a two goal difference, you are refunded your stake.

      Handicap (+2.25)
      You win if your team wins, draws or loses the match with a one goal difference. If it loses with a two goal difference your bet is split in half - One half is considered a win, the other half is considered a draw and its stakes refunded.

      Handicap (+2.5)
      You win if your team wins, draws or loses the match with a goal difference of less than three.

      Handicap (-0.25)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of one or more. If it draws, you lose 50% of the stake.

      Handicap (-0.5)
      You win if your team wins the match.

      Handicap (-0.75)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of two or more. If it wins with one goal your bet is split in half - One half is considered a win, the other half is considered a draw and its stakes refunded.

      Handicap (-1)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of two or more. If it wins with a one goal difference, you are refunded your stake.

      Handicap (-1.25)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of two or more. If it wins with just a one goal difference, you lose 50% of the stake.

      Handicap (-1.50)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of two or more.

      Handicap (-1.75)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of three or more. If it wins with a two goal difference, your bet is split in half - One half is considered a win, the other half is considered a draw and its stakes refunded.

      Handicap (-2)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of three or more. If it wins with a two goal difference, you are refunded your stake.

      Handicap (-2.25)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of three or more. If it wins with a two goal difference, you lose 50% of the stake.

      Handicap (-2.50)
      You win if your team wins the match with a goal difference of three or more.


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