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    Please help

    First of all, sorry because i'm writing in english but I just don't know a word of German. I was a soccerratings costumer last year but this year I don't get mails with ratings anymore. I've read some of the posts here, I suppose I must register with gamebookers or BaW to get ratings via SR banners. Where are those banners? What do I have to do after I register to get the ratings. Please answer in English because I'm fighting with altavista translator for last two ours and I can't get a decent text.
    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Mario,

    as you are fighting with this translator we are fighting with the speed in internet mailings which have decreased thanks to these worms recently.

    We sent out the ratings this morning and they just arrived in our test accounts our 12 o`clock, after about four hours.

    Hopefully, you have got them yet.

    To get the ratings, it is NOT necessary to register with our partner bookies. Only if you are interested in small leagues like Wales, you have to do so.

    If there are any more questions, please feel free to contact us here our via our email addy


    Enjoy your weekend,

    Kind regards,



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